So I bought a 25cu behemoth.

E measured the opening, with the old fridge in it at 36.5" So I thought, "Great! The width won't be a problem." HA! For whatever reason, when we got home that night, I decided to re-measure the width. Apparently E doesn't know how to work a tape measure very well because I measured the width as 35.75"
Wanna guess the width of the fridge? Yep, 35.75"
Here's the picture of the clearance.

That's cabinet + ZERO CLEARANCE + fridge.
And its a very smart fridge, too. As we were putting the food back in the fridge, I kept sticking my hand in there, going, "I don't think it's getting cold." Turns out, it wasn't. It doesn't try to cool things down when the door is open.
Also, again whilst loading it up, suddenly the light went out. "What kind of crap is this?" We thought maybe the light bulb had jiggled loose during transit, but couldn't get the cover off because it was so flippin' hot. Seriously, the light bulb should have lasted more than 10 minutes.
Later, after the door had been closed a few minutes, I'm getting ready to put more stuff in there and VIOLA! The light is on! Not a dead bulb at all. Just a signal, "Hey! Moron! Shut the door already!!"
love that! Does it have the can holders like one of the other ones you looked at? It would make me nervous if my refrigerator had the potential to be smarter than the people who took food out of it....
No, no bottle holders on this one. It does have a nifty digital display on the door, tho. The display comes on whenever the door is opened. It shows the freezer temp, the fridge temp, it has an alarm and I think it does something else, too... but I'm not sitting near it and I'm drawing a blank on what it is.
Yeah, if I had known how smart it was before I bought it, I may have thought twice. E summed it up perfectly. He said, "The guy who invented this was probably getting yelled at as a kid, 'Shut the door! Are you trying to cool the whole house?' So he invented this so he wouldn't have to yell at his own kids."
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