First and foremost: CR FINALLY SENT THE REFILLS!!! Since his insurance is still in limbo, that saved me from having to buy another month's worth.
On a related note: we went to see his med doctor today. Trying to get him off the current stuff and on to something that doesn't make him so drowsy.
In other news...
On Thursday of last week I got a series of text messages from CR:
I know the baby's sex!
I've been sworn to keep it a secret, at least for now
Ha ha! I know & you don't! Even if she tells you, you may not know cuz she hasn't decided if she's gonna tell the truth for fun
OMG, are we 12?? My response: Whatever.
Later, I get a message from S: Its a boy
Me | Is that what you wanted? |
S | Yea |
Alrighty then.
Talked to C last night. She's been sick for about a week. Sinus infection, I think. She missed 4 days of her required practices of flag-whatever-they-call it last week. Anyway, she confirmed that it's a boy. Generally speaking, boys are easier, so that will be good.
E celebrated his 19th birthday on Saturday. I took him out to his favorite BBQ place. I had told him the week before that if he wanted to invite a couple of friends from church, that would be ok.
Wednesday night... well, first we had to deal with his roadkill. He didn't just hit a bird, he hit a duck! And it broke the friggin' grill!

Anyway, he was all jazzed up because he'd gotten some girl's number. I'd asked how old she was and he didn't know. So he called her while I was fixing dinner. And I heard him ask, "I have a serious question for you: how old are you?"
After the phone call he told me that she'd completely dodged the question and wouldn't give him a straight answer. I told him that probably meant she was too young for him. I figured that meant I was going to have to call and talk to the girls mother.
But then the girl called later that night... 1am to be exact. Yeah, I know. Believe me, I wasn't happy about it. The bad news is that he found out she is only 15. I told him that was too young for him. But the good news is that I don't have to worry about it: when she called, she was apparently drunk. That was a complete turnoff for him. In that moment, she lost him at hello.
So it was just he & I. My friend from work, JL, and her daughter joined us for desert. It was very low-key. I still cannot believe he's 19.
I was bummed because the present I ordered for him was delayed and didn't arrive until today. Also, when he was at his dad's, they did nothing to celebrate his birthday. He was there the week before his birthday and they didn't get him a card, stick a candle in a twinkie, nothing. Asshole.
He's still sleeping on the air mattress, due to no fault on my part. He just doesn't want to go shopping for the mattress. That's ok. The lawn needs to be mowed again.
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