Lots to catch up on today, crimestoppers.
1. S
I guess S and DS made up, at least sort of. They're at least talking anyway. I don't know if he's given her the ring back or not. I did call him and ask if he still intended to come to KS to go to college and he said, "Yeah!" But the underlying tone was "Are you crazy? Of course I'm going to KS for college!" What if he thinks he can still live with me even if he & S are broken up? Oh dear lord... like I don't have enough drama! But I've still got to write that stupid letter.
And in semi-related news, S finally had her sonagram today. She's approximately 13 weeks along. Due date is Dec. 29.
2. C
D managed to pull in his family marker and get a free flight for C ... AND HER DOG. I don't think I've mentioned this before, but CR decided that C must care for ber dog 24x7. Now, I understand a parent's need to teach a kid responsibility. But honestly, forcing the kid to take the dog on the road while she visits family? When said family is ALERGIC??? Seriously, is that REALLY necessary? Its not like there's not 8 gillion animals at that house anyway. Would it really be that difficult to fill another food bowl? So after yours truly goes and buys a pet carrier, she's up, up, and away to TX.
3. E
J eventually finished E's truck and my mother waited a day to bring to bring C back to my place. (Why it was necessary to come all the way back to my place, I'm not sure. Afterall, mom has a airport in her city... but whatever.) So E was able to follow her. But get this: about half way through the trip, ALL that work that J did to E's truck, BROKE! The engine started over heating and I don't know what else. E was very upset about it. But the thing is, I just can't stop thinking that maybe J deliberately sabotaged E's truck. Maybe he thought it would break sooner and he'd be able to keep E at his house longer...? I don't know. I could be wrong, of course. (But I don't think I am.)
So, yesterday and today I started trying to find E a school to go to. He wants to be an auto tech, like his dad, of course. So I contacted the "tech" college. Like the first community college I contacted, this is a year long program. But unlike the CC, this one costs (wait for it)... over $9,000!!! Holy F*CK! This is not an ivy league school we're talking about here. Course, getting the numbers out of them was a trick. You'd think they were protecting national secrets or something. The lady kept saying, "M'am, I cannot give you actual numbers unless your nephew is enrolled in classes." And I kept saying, "M'am, I am not enrolling him until I know how much it's going to cost." But now that I know the number, I see why they wanted to keep it a secret. I have surgery scheduled for tomorrow to put my eyeballs back in their sockets.
have you thought about job corps? And if he isn't being supported by his parents he may be able to get more financial aid... but I'm not sure about what they do when you live with your aunt who has a job? Ask at a cheaper school and then take it to the other school or do the FAFSA ( free application for federal student aid) Besides, it looks like you have at least an ounce or two of sanity and filling out government forms usually takes care of that.
I hope you know there WILL be a special place in Heaven for you... although fat lot of good that does you now!
PizzaQueen, you crack me up!
C has already filled out the FAFSA paperwork. We have an appointment to tour the CC next week. I promised E we would not make any firm decisions until we'd toured both places. (I said nothing about deciding in my head what the ultimate answer would be.)
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