So we're about 1/2 an hour from the hotel and the sky opens up a can of whoop-ass on us. Funny how you don't realize how bad your windshield wipers are until you actually have to depend on them to see. So I couldn't really see and E was hunched over the steering wheel like an old lady. I offerred to take over. He declined, but he kept driving slower and slower. Finally I forced him to pull off to the side so we could switch. Of course the rain quit almost immediately after I took over.
So we get checked into the hotel, and we're driving through the parking lot looking for a place to park when we discover this car.

Apparently semi-trucks & small hotel parking lots don't mix.
Up in the room, I decide to iron our clothes tonight so we're not rushed tomorrow. I brought 2 pairs of slacks because I couldn't decide, and I'd planned to lay them out and do eeny-meeny-miny-moe, except I forgot the shirts! E could not stop laughing at that one. I'd asked him at least twice on the trip if he remembered the new clothes that we'd bought so he wouldn't be wearing holy jeans, and here I forgot my shirts. Hi-larious.
As I write this, E has gone to sleep in the next bed. Last night was a big thunderstorm... hail, lightening and the works. Ever since he was a little boy he's never been able to sleep during storms, and last night was no different. And after the drive tonight, he was one tuckered out boy. Say it with me now, "Awwwwwwww."
another funeral? geez. But aside from worrying about his mental condition.... sounds like you are bonding!!
Yes, another funeral. They say these things happen in three's...
Bonding = definitely!
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