E has had a pet turtle for ... gosh, maybe 3 years now. It's a tiny turtle that he keeps in a baking dish. He always brought it with him when they'd come for a visit (it's "carrier" is an old tub of butter).
He was over at my friend, J's, over the weekend to help clean out her garage (He's officially for hire if your garage needs some organization!) and somehow the turtle came up in the conversation. So I thought it would be fun to post some pictures of the turtle that E calls, "MD" (which stands for Master of Destruction).
Click on the picture to see a BIG version.

This is MD after we woke him up. He'd been "sleeping" in the water at the bottom of the dish and I insisted he was dead. He wasn't.

This is MD eating. It's hilarious. He sorta sneaks up on the little turd-looking thing, and stretches his neck waaaay out, and
SNAP! Like the food is going to get away from him somehow.
While I'm talking about pictures, never leave the camera at home. You never know
what you're going to find on the memory card.
E was supposed to be taking pictures of some stuff I want to sell on ebay. But when I got the card back, I found:

A picture of his truck in my garage... with the door shut to PROVE that it actually fits.
(I told him it didn't matter; it was still MY garage.) Plus many, many more pics of the truck (which I won't bore you with)... just because he had a camera in his hand, I guess.

Whoops I said I wouldn't bore you... sorry. Oh, this reminds me: we went to sign the papers on his car insurance the other day and on the way in he saw a Chevy truck that had a Ford logo in the middle of the Chevy logo.
(Apparently it was a joke played on the Chevy owner.) He exclaimed, "What is THIS??!? A TRANSEXUAL truck?!"

His PC... and big foot.
that is funny that they all travel with their pets. Besides, I think it's a good sign if a person loves animals and hopefully you aren't allergic to this one!!
Even though I say I'm allergic to everything green, surprisingly enough MD hasn't made me sneeze once!
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