Im kinda scared right now
Scared??? Why? Is someone hurting you? Are you in danger? Why are you texting me and not calling 911???
Frantically, I called DS' phone, trying to reach her. No luck. So I left a message for him to have her call me if she was at his place.
Then, I called C's phone. She didn't pick up either.
So now I'm left to stew while I wait on return calls. I'm sure you've been there before; nothing but the worst possible scenarios go through your mind.
Finally C calls. She is Chatty Kathy. They've been celebrating little d's birthday (even though it's not actually the day) which is why she didn't answer her phone. "Oh, BTW, S has her own phone again. Grandma bought it for her." I took that to mean, "Don't use me as her answering service anymore." In my defense, the message I left her began, "I'm really sorry to have to leave this message with you..."
Actually, I found out later that Grandma didn't buy her a new phone. She got her a replacement of the same model she used to have. So I'm still at the top of the phone heap.
![[cool smiley]](
I call S. She is also at the house, celebrating the birthday. So I can cross all the scenarios off the list that had her in some sort of physical danger.
Turns out that she's scared for DS. His dad has graduated from weed and pills to cocaine. She's scared that if DS continues to live there he will turn out just like his dad. So I asked about them going to live with his mom. She said they're thinking about it, depending on what happens at his hearing in August. But today she's less than thrilled with that solution because his mom is so undependable. Ah, yes! That succinctly describes what I have surmised over the years.
I tried to emphasize time and again that I was very concerned for her well-being at DS' house. She kept saying, "yeah" like she understood, but I just didn't get the feeling that we were on the same page. So finally I pulled out the Ace and layed it on the table, "Look, this is not just about you," I told her. "You have got to be thinking of your baby. That is your biggest responsibility right now."
Then we talked about life with an addict.
OH! I forgot to mention: my loser-brother went into treatment! I think his social worker nudged him into it. He was supposed to go weeks ago, but he has a lot of nerve damage from his diabetes, and had to have some tests run. I hope he sticks with it, but let's just say that my hopes aren't too high.
JL's comments from my last post were appropo. Reeling S in is going to take some work. And there are a lot more pro's than cons (no pun intended) to sending the letter.
In other news, E had his first appointment with the counselor today. He looked like a walking zombie. For some reason he couldn't sleep last night, so he had about 2 hours sleep. Plus his meds make him a little groggy. Apparently he could barely keep his eyes open while talking to the counselor.
She suggested weekly meetings, at least for a little while. That's when I discovered that he was planning a trip to his dad's at the beginning of August, for about a week. His grandparents have talked him out of taking the truck... which I don't know if that's good or bad. It just is, I guess. He had mentioned he was going to his dad's, but I thought it was just for the weekend. Great. Now I have a knot in my stomach.
1 comment:
well, about the brother... you know my feelings about him and I really hope that it will do him some good. Maybe he'll realize the person he's most mad at is himself. I know it sounds like I've been hitting his stash but for as long as I can remember I've always wished that he'd be ok and stop being his own worst enemy.
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