Thursday, October 30, 2008

Roller Coaster

What a roller coaster of a day!

We have a benefit at my work that allows us to subscribe to pre-paid legal services. I originally signed up because I wanted to have a will drawn up. Anyway, since I'm a member, I can call and talk to an attorney and they will not be trying to get me off the line because I haven't paid a retainer fee.

So I got to ask all the questions I wanted about the adoption. Long story short, it would make my life infinitely easier if S were to have the baby in KS. Also, if the service refers me to an attorney, then I get 25% off the bill. And since we're talking thousands of dollars here, that could be a pretty big chunk of change!

Plus, I double-verified that my health insurance would cover her and the baby starting right now. She just has to be in KS. I was super excited about this as she hasn't seen a doctor in over 2 months! (I know, I know! Don't get me started!)

Woo-Hoo! tick-tick-tick... going up... tick-tick-tick...

Then I called S. I'd given her way more days to think about things than I said I was going to. We chit-chatted about nothing in particular for a few minutes. I won't give you a play-by-play, but let me just highlight some portions of the conversation for you.

It's all your fault!

Referring to her inability to make a decision about moving to KS to have the baby. Make sure you insert the whine when you say that in your head. I told her there's several people responsible for her pregnancy, but I wasn't one of them!

You're just heaping a big bucket of stress on me!

More whine with this one. This was after I'd forced her into a corner and told her she needed to suck it up and be a grown-up.

Throw your hands up... big hill! AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Here's the deal: At some point S contacted an adoption agency in California. (No, I don't have any details on how she got the number, when she picked them, how she picked them, etc. I was kinda blind-sided by this info.) They have made it as easy on her as it can be: pick the parents from the packet they'd sent her, sign this piece of paper, we'll take care of the baby after its born, viola! You're done!

Loop-de-loop! Here it comes! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

As she's talking about the packet it suddenly dawned on me, "OMG. Does she expect me to justify myself as a parent?" I was so stunned by the thought that I blurted out, "You don't know these pepole, except what you've read about them in the packet. You've known me for almost 18 years. I've been there in the good and the bad. You know I'll do everything I can to take care of this baby."

"They're going to fly out here to meet me."
"Great," I told her. "That'll be like a first date. Everyone will be on their best behavior."

That's about the time I sorta lost it and told her that it was her decision and she needed to suck it up.

I called my mom to tell her about the conversation. (CR was still in bed at this point, since she works nights.) As we were talking it occurred to both of us at about the same time that the CA agency was probably offering her boat loads of cash as well.

Please remain seated while the ride comes to a complete stop. Gather your belongings and exit to the right...

Frankly, I hit the wall in that moment of ephinany. I am not paying her to adopt her baby! She is delusional if she thinks that's going to happen. I'm so pissed at her being such a whiny, selfish baby about the whole thing I can't see straight.

In other news... I decided that I'm not going to buy E any more medication. If he's fine with moving to TX (and it's all he talks about), and he knows he's not going to have meds down there, then I shouldn't have to bust my hump trying to get them for him here.

I told him about my decision and he was completely fine with it. So that should be fun!

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