One of [the many] symptoms E's meds help him with is impulse control. For example, the first night w/o his meds, he was messing around with, er, 'scuse me, "working" on his truck. Some neighborhood girls were walking up and down the street and he yelled at them, "HEY!" And he turned to me and said, "I'm not as shy w/o my meds."
After the first "HEY!" he really started paying attention to the girls. He told me he thought they were cute at dinner the next night. After dinner, I went to find him to let him know he needed to take out the trash. I found him at the neighbor's across the street. He was discussing some car issue with the guy and petting his dog. I wandered over and said hi and told him to come find me when he was done there. While I was there, the girls walked by. E didn't say anything, he just nudged me.
This was the first time I'd seen the girls up-close and in daylight. I'd guess them to be around 15-ish. When the neighbor went inside to get a tool, I said to E, "They look kinda young for you. You should find out how old they are."
I see now that was my mistake. I take full responsibility. I told him what to do, but I didn't tell him how to do it.
So the next day, the girls were walking by and E yells, "Hey! How old are you?"
Keep in mind, all his yelling is from the safety of the garage.
Now, skip forward to the next week. E is back on his meds. I get home from work and E is downstairs. He is pissed off. I thought he was going to throw the hard drive he had in his hand at me when I said hello.
It wasn't me he was upset with. It seems our local policeman stops by to pay E a visit. Apparently the parents of the girls didn't care for him yelling at the girls. So they called the cops on him!
I was furious. He was in the effing garage! He didn't yell anything lewd or suggestive; just, "HEY!" When did parents stop talking to each other?
The cop also accused E of doing drugs because his pupils weren't dialating properly. E just layed it out for him, "Look: I'm bi-polar and I have ADHD. I've just taken my meds and I'm also tired because I didn't get much sleep last night."
On the one hand I'm proud of him for being secure enough to say all that to the cop. On the other hand my heart just broke because he had to say it. So much for small town living, eh? This kid just cannot catch a break!
E took it better than I did. As we were eating dinner that night, me thinking he was still as pissed as he was when I walked in the door, said, "Are you going to church this week?" Yes. "Well, maybe you could talk to your minister about this."
And then he blew me away with, "No. I'm not going to talk to anyone about it because I didn't do anything wrong. And if I talk to people and make a big deal about it, it makes me look guilty. And I'm not."
I've come to expect this sort of wisdom from C. But from E? I think we were on different pages as to why I suggested he talk to his minister, but still. It was a pretty mature take on the situation for him.
The next day, I was still pissed. So much so I was ready to move. I brought home a real estate guide from the grocery store. I've really tried hard to stick it out in this house because I really do love the house (and my house went down in value this year, so I don't want to lose my shirt by moving), but this was just too much.
E saw the real estate guide and says, "Are we moving?"
Me: | Yes. I've had it. |
E: | Why? |
Me: | You really need reasons? |
E: | Is this because of the cop? |
Me: | Yes, among other things. |
E: | What else? |
Me: | Ok...
E: | That it? |
Me: | Yes. |
E: | I don't think you should move. |
Yep, he actually talked me out of it. He made some jokes about not wanting to pack, but really, he just didn't want to move. So, at his request, I recycled the real estate section. (The recycling was my idea.)
But the story doesn't end there. The next day the girls came down and apologized to E for their parents' calling the cops.
He's over it now. The first few times I got on him to mow his excuse was, "But what if the neighbors see me out in the yard? I can't mow because I don't want the cops called on me again."
And, I gotta tell ya', the whole thing upset me so much I actually let that excuse slide... once. After that I told him I'd bail him out of jail if he actually got arrested for mowing the lawn.
1 comment:
Those cops must really be bored in your town.... aside from that... are the girls old enough? Oh, and when was talking a crime? I really can't believe that happens but at least he handled himself really well. Good for him, bad for the cops. I bet one of those girls will end up being his future wife so they can tell their kids the funny story of how they met... in like 20 years or so, no hurry! :-)
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