CR had called mom and she was briefed on the events of yesterday. This is how the conversation began:
Mom thought you and I should talk before I go kill my daughter.
HA! Take all the mystery out of it, why dontchya?
Here's the Reader's Digest version: DR is ready to kick her out, and CR is not far behind. I told her not to kill S. Prison isn't worth it.
So, CR did talk to her. She said it was like pulling teeth trying to get her to talk. S swore there was no money involved with the CA agency. (Yeah, right. I'll bet you've got a bridge to sell me too.) Anyway, her [main] bone of contention is that she doesn't want to come to KS.
CR also invoked the MIGHTY POWER of GUILT (when you say that in your head, make sure the echo reverberates) with time-tested phrases like:
- Do you have any idea what your life would have been like without R in it?
- Who do you think paid for that class ring on your finger?
- Several variations on the "who do you think paid for that" theme
CR has spent all day calling attorneys... or, rather, trying to get them to call her back. One thing she found out was that in TX if the birth mother is under-age (which, S is only 17) then CR can sign the paper for her. But here's the thing: S turns 18 ten days before the baby is due. So that plan is good only if the baby comes 11 (or more) days sooner than it's due.
I did my little part and called my pre-paid legal place to see if they could refer me to a TX attorney. (They can.)
In all the phone calls of the past 24 hours, I've gotten more props for doing my part with the kids than I have in the past 19 years. So, yeah, I'm feeling pretty good about myself today.
Regarding the baby, here's my stance: It's S's decision. CR can try to point her this way or that way, but S is the one who has to look herself in the mirror every day. I do not know what part DS is playing in the decision-making (and I'll bet he is playing a part), but that's still S's decision as to how involved she makes him.
Of course I want the baby. And if I get it, I will love it and do my best to take care of it. But I'm not going to compete with anyone to get it. If I don't get it, I hope the people that do will love it and take care of it as I would. I'm feeling very detached from the process, and I think that's a good thing right now.
Regardless of the outcome, S has really shown her true colors in the process. My mother said that she has no respect for S left. I know I certainly don't feel the same about her as I did a week ago. Even CR said on the phone this morning, "Over the years E has done a lot of things that I didn't care for. But I never thought of him as a disappointment. But that's how I think of S now."
And now, today's horoscopes.
Disagreements of one sort or another are likely over the next 24 hours and the atmosphere may not be entirely to your liking, but with Mars on your side there is nothing you need to be afraid of. Give as good as you get - then give a bit more.
You may be of the opinion that might makes right, and in certain areas you may be correct in that assumption, but what happens today will show you that it is much better to win others round by persuasion than by forcing them to change.
Others will try to force you to do things you don't want to do today, and you must resist. On the work front especially you need to be more assertive, even at the risk of upsetting important people. What's important about them? Their stupidity for starters. (Dear Horoscope People: She just lays on her butt all day! If that's what passes for "work" these days, where do I apply?)
It's like the recipe for the perfect storm, isn't it? I think detachment will serve me well in this battle. Now hand me my lance and I will trot gallantly into the sunset...
Or...! Maybe I should give Jerry Springer a call...?
why can't CR just put S in (someone's) vehicle and meet you in Oklahoma, have a child exchange, and then to bad. Someone, who IS the mother, needs to step up and be the mother... in good times or bad
Great idea, but I'm having trouble getting people to take responsibility. I'd probably have more luck trying to poop diamonds.
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