When C was younger, she went through a phase where she would shout, “Potato!” in much the same manner as one might use the word, “dude!” It was her go-to word, used to express a variety of emotions. If she was baffled, “Potato!”; surprised, “Potato!”; amused, “Potato!” Being an aquarius, she mixed it up a bit. Sometimes she said it qietly, sometimes she said it emhatically, sometimes she stomped her feet as she said it, and sometimes she wrang her hands maniacally and used her most “evil” voice. I don't know why that popped into my head this evening, I was just driving home and suddenly, “Potato!”
I talked to CR today. She was furious with E. Shortly before the move started, she had bought a can of green paint to be used to paint the little guy's room at the new place. Before he left, E, helped himself to the paint and painted his door and door frame, at the old place of course. (He must have decided that the door was too much green because he helped himself to more paint, also purchased for the new place, to re-paint the door.) And then I was shocked, shocked I tell ya, to hear that he didn't put the paint back where he found it. Today the little guy got into it. He painted his body, hair, clothes, and the [borrowed] trailer all green.
Side note, speaking of the move: they were supposed to be out of the old place on June 3. But they still have stuff at the old place! You do the math. Of course all the utilities are turned off over there, so it's hotter than shit (well, it's TX, so of course it's hotter than shit).
As they were de-greening him, he informed her that there were 2 little d's: a good one and a bad one, and the good one's name was, “tree.”
Also talked to E today. He, apparently, has had enough of his paternal side of the family and is coming home this coming weekend. Potato!
Not sure of C's plans yet. She still wants to go home early. [Big] D has a cousin that works for some airline. He and CR think they'll be able to finagle a free ticket for C to fly back to TX.
Do you know who D is? Do you remember that seen in “Look Who's Talking” where John Travolta was old and fat, and serving the kids a can of beans that he dug out of the trash can? Kirstie Alley was flashing forward to what life with him might be like. That's D, to a “T”.
You may have heard me speak of the copier that used to live on the front porch. He was at a job site one day and the building he was working on was throwing it out. So he brought it home. Because that's what we'd all do, right? It stayed in their living room for a looong time until it was finally banished to the front porch. (Ultimately, it was moved to the back patio. Sad because it brought such sophistication and class as you approached the front door.)
But here's the thing: of the 5 cars in the backyard that didn't run, only 1, O-N-E, was hauled off to the junkyard. They moved 4 broken, as in NOT working, cars to the new place!
It's true. Check the pic below.
No wonder they haven't finished moving!
Do you ever wonder why only a few people in the world have the live in the REAL world and the rest of them get to live in their own world? It's always interesting to see how the people we have known forever turn out after seeing how they started out... My 6 year old is going through a tattling phase but now I've lost all hope that it will end if your mom is still getting those calls...... repeat with me... I love my family...I love my family.....
I love my family... I love my family... well, most of the time.
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