Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Things Are Starting to Look Up

I had a brainstorm last night.

It occurred to me that I have the money I'd need to adopt the little one in my retirement account. But, oh! The taxes on taking any money from that account... but wait! My mother is actually retired! She could take the money out of her account without the big tax hit and I could pay her back when I get my taxes back... ah, yes! I see a plan forming...

I talked to S first, because, frankly, it's not my information to share that she's giving up the baby. She had no problem with me sharing with my mother. I am a little worried, tho. She doesn't seem to want anyone to know until the very last moment. But that worry is for another day, I guess.

I talked to my mother this morning. She was a little overwhelmed, but I think it took some of the sting out of the news that I was going to adopt the baby. NO, that's not why I'm doing it, just in case you were wondering. She is going to talk to her tax guy.

Transportation Update
Big D's brother, SC, and his wife just had a baby. So the wife is staying home right now. So SC lent Big D his truck to drive to work, while SC is driving his wife's vehicle. Granted, it's not a long-term solution, but maybe in that amount of time E & Big D can get one (or more) of the vehicles in the back yard working.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

talk to an attorney and most of it can be done beforehand.... it's the paying for S to have an attorney also that can be expensive... it's a bigger hassle than it should be.