Friday, August 22, 2008

Week of Frustrations, Part II


For some reason I decided to call about E's insurance. I'd sent the "legal-looking" paperwork last week and I wanted to make sure they received it.

Yes, they received it. And there was also some forms that had been mailed to me. Goodie more forms. The CS lady on the phone kindly read them to me. The first said something to the effect of E's insurance being canceled on Aug. 31. Huh? Then the next one said, "Congratulations!" Obviously she read them in the wrong order.

Why is his insurance being cancelled? Because he turned 19. What???? I did not see anything on the website about it only being valid until he turns 19 else I would not have jumped through all the hoops.

So what is he supposed to do, I asked. "Well, there's always Blue Cross Blue Shield." Thanks lady. You were absolutely no help.

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