Monday, July 7, 2008

Pregnancy causes brain farts

So last night, I get a text from S that says:

Next chance you get im ready to leave now

I want you to picture the cartoon character whose face slowly gets red, then blasts steam out both ears. That was me. I was yelling at the screen, "WTF, S???? Didn't we just have this conversation 2 days ago??!?" But of course I just sent a message that calmly reminded her that I didn't have another 3 day weekend until labor day, which isn't til Sept.

Yea that's fine

She replied. Today, at work, J tried to tell me that pregnancy causes brain farts. I guess I'll have to take her word for that. Although I'm 100% sure it causes everyone around the pregnant woman to go bat-shit crazy.

In other news, E and I toured the community college. About these tours, let me just say: I feel very old.

I think E was able to relate to the vo-tech advisor. Also, the size was not as overwhelming and that made him feel a little better. However, the program is almost full. They have 28 spots available and only 3 seats left. So I told E he needed to decide: do we tour the other school and take the chance that this semester fills up at the CC, or sign up now? He said he wanted the other tour. Later he told me that if he had to wait til January to start classes that would be just fine with him.

There's been so many other things going on that I've forgotten how bad he is with change. Yes, I know: everyone is bad with change... but it's particularly hard on him. So I'm thinking we'll just change the plan to have him start school in January, regardless. I'll have to discuss that with him tonight to see how he feels about it, but I think he'll like it. I also inquired about a job for him at the warehouse at my company. Man, it would be nice if that would come through. It would let him make some money and take the pressure off getting his truck fixed.

I must cut this entry short because I just remembered that I have an Rx to pick up. It's my TMJ medicine that I ran out of and haven't had for several days.


Anonymous said...

thanks, I have an rx to pick up that I needed to get yesterday as well... perhaps we are siamese twins seperated somehow!! And, is it just me or why can't they get S a free plane trip to you? How much stuff can she really have to bring. And uh, I'm guessing that it never occured to her mother maybe she should foot the $$ to get S out of there ( even though we all know she wants the free babysitting.....) I guess I shouldn't give you more things to be thinking about...

What_Was_I_Thinking said...

Actually, she has very little. She has a desk, which obviously can wait. And about 4 or 5 boxes of clothes and that's about it. That's a very good suggestion! But if she wouldn't send the meds, I doubt she'd put any energy into helping S get here. Since C has gone back to TX, S rarely goes over to the house. So C is the main babysitter again.

Anonymous said...

well, maybe she can put the meds and S on a plane. It's not so much that she's sending anyone away as it is delivering E's meds. Then she can nominate herself for mother of the year... I'm surprised that all this is surprising me. Some things (people) just never change.

What_Was_I_Thinking said...

It still surprises me too!