Monday, July 21, 2008

What was I thinking?

Saturday rolled around this past weekend and I gotta tell ya, I was completely exhausted for some reason. So when E wanted to go to AutoZone, the thought of showering and getting dressed almost overwhelmed me.

We had rented some movies the night before and they were due back the next day, so first I talked him into watching a movie. After the movie he was even more ready to go. Me? Eh, not so much.

And that's when I heard the words rolling out of my mouth. Believe me, I was as surprised as you're going to be. "Why don't you just take my car?" And the little devil on my right shoulder said, "Yeah! Great idea!"

While the angel on my left shoulder was nearly asleep for her afternoon nap... except for a few words she mumbled as if already dreaming, "cellphone... GPS... " she said.

E didn't waste any time. He brought his GPS in and plugged in the address. "Call me!" the angel yelled as she flopped on to her other side. And then he was gone.

45 minutes later I was trying to muster the energy to do the math in my head, "10 minutes there... 10 minutes back... 10 minutes in the store, maybe... " I smacked the angel awake, "What were you thinkin'??!?"

Somewhere in the debate of how long we were going to wait before calling the police, he walked in the front door.

Nothing happened. Just his cellphone battery had died.

And then I took my official afternoon nap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess next time you'll have to add make sure your battery is charged to the checklist before he takes the car again. Besides, how many times could one car get hit by random flying objects?