Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Oh, BTW, the van got repossessed

I have the worst headache today. No, I did not make it to the pharmacy in time last night.

Today I made E get up early (which he really complained about, "TWO days in a row??!?") so we could go wait in line at the free clinic. He is out of at least 2 of his meds. I texted CR yesterday to inform her of this since she has refills of all his med, and has had them for at least a couple weeks. So I asked if she had sent them yet and she replied:

No. No car during day or sleep. Will tomorrow if he's home early enough.

Oh, I think I forgot to mention, her van got repossessed about... maybe, a week or so ago. Supposedly the gas prices got the better of them. (Keep reading before you call me a heartless bitch. I may be, but at least finish the story before you decide.) But she had the meds long before that happened.

So her work has taken pity on her and is letting her come in a couple hours early so she can leave a couple hours early so she can have D's truck home in time for him to go to work. But she has no vehicle during the day. Hence she has to wait for D to get home in the evening.

Here's what pisses me off about the van:
#1) D owns a motorcycle that gets 500 miles (or whatever) to the gallon. Seems like him driving that instead of his truck would save a buck or two. Or, here's another thought: sell the motorcycle! No maintenance, no upkeep, no insurance... seems like that might save a buck or two as well.
#2) They have a friggin time share! I'm sorry, kids. In lean times you make hard decisions, like SELL THE ^&*$#*!@#~ TIME SHARE!
#3) *I* had to tell E. He was quiet for a while then he started asking questions, then he was pissed. (This job does not pay enough...)

Supposedly D has started working on the old van (that was towed to the new place) that stopped running because CR drove it through a "puddle" that flodded the engine and God only knows what else. E is upset [partially] because he'd been trying to get D to work on the old van for months. But D wouldn't let E work on it because he didn't think he had the skills. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. But it was sitting in the back yard becoming a wild life refuge. And for all I know it still is. D only works on D's timeline.

So we go to this place this morning. But it's not the right place. "Is this his first appointment?" Yes, just like I told the lady I talked to on the phone... just like E told the lady that he talked to. "Oh, well, you have to go across the street and down 2 buildings." Nice. It's first come, first served, so minutes count.

At the new building, they give us paperwork, which E hates to fill out. I'm looking over his shoulder, but I still make him fill it out. It's several pages, so it takes a good 30-45 minutes or so. I hand the paperwork in and the lady says, "What county do you live in?" E's handwriting is like that of a 2nd grader, so I tell her. "Oh, well, we don't service that county. You need to go to this OTHER place..." as she gets out the directions to the other place.

Are you frickin' kidding me??!? Nobody thought to say this during any of the previous conversations??! Are we the FIRST people that this has happened to??? AAARRRGGGH.

By now it's started raining. Which makes my sinuses hurt. And the headache I woke up with was getting worse. I have an hour to get E back home and get to work, which I can barely make...

Fuck this. I go to the pharmacy to get MY meds. Can't take 'em til tonight, but at least I'll have them.

On the way home I suggest to E that we just wait til January for him to start school to give him more time to get settled. He nods his head in vigorous agreement. (The job at my company did not pan out. Funny how there's always jobs for everyone else's kid, but everytime I ask there's nothing available...)

Within 12 miles of home someone has decided to haul a shed/barn/huge-ass building. It's wider than 2 lanes. The cars in front of it are having to pull off the road to side streets (is it still a street if its a dirt road?), while those of us behind get to drive 2mph for about 20 feet then stop for 5 minutes; 2mph for about 20 feet, then stop for 5 min... It took me an hour and a half to make it back, which I didn't think was bad under the circumstances.

My friend JL said she had some yard work for E. So I texted him to see if he'd be interested. He's upstairs working on his car, and he's downstairs working on the pile of computers that he's supposed to be preparing for ebay:

U know it. Hey im kinda busy puing the truck back togather. The fedora did the same thing. Btw im crazy i'm talking to my self. Ask J when

Yeah, he's running at about 100mph. Yesterday I got home and he announced he'd figured out he can get into the attic if he backs his truck into the garage and puts the 6' ladder I have into the bed of the truck. I'm like, "Please don't do that when I'm not here!" He says, "Why? The garage door was open. People could see if I fell. Besides, one lady came up to me and told me it was a really creative solution!"

I feel like I should hang a sign on the door that says, "Please do not feed or encourage the monkey!"


Anonymous said...

the poor little ( although probably not the best word to describe E...) guy no wonder he feels like he does. Meds.. really. You can mail packages from home if you use the USPS webpage. They will even deliver you boxes. I have to go count to 10! Did I mention I hope they know how lucky they are to have you!

What_Was_I_Thinking said...

Yep, I know it. 10 doesn't do it for me anymore. I have to go at least to 20.